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00:00:25 - Beaucage Introduces Herself

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I follow the movements of my life, it just has taken many different forms over the years. My first fifteen years were in the bush, that's where my grounding is. I grew up on the land, the land raised me.

Segment Synopsis: Beaucage recalls growing up in south-eastern Manitoba, her Métis extended family, and social activism throughout adulthood.

Keywords: Adult education; Extended family; Filmmaker; Metis; Rural; Saskatchewan--Duck Lake; Social activism; Storytelling; Manitoba--Vassar

00:07:40 - Language

Play segment

Partial Transcript: It's like every community has their own language, really. It's a little different everywhere, like even Michif, ours had a little bit more French, you know, and Saint Laurent Michif is different than Saint Eustache.

Segment Synopsis: First languages Michif and French, learned English in school, and then later in life, learned about different Metis dialects in Manitoba.

Keywords: Language--English; Language--Michif; Metis

00:09:06 - Two-Spirit Journey

Play segment

Partial Transcript: We were Indigenous and we were queer but it was based in a spiritual worldview. That really spoke to me, because I am basically a spiritual person. I always wanted to connect with that larger cosmos, you know, the universe.

Segment Synopsis: Origins of the term Two-Spirit, and the need to differentiate Two-Spirit from LGBTQ more generally. Beaucage describes self-identity as a balance between masculine and feminine, and spirituality.

Keywords: Cultural revival; Feminine; Gender; Indigenous; LGBTQ; Masculine; Spirituality; Two-Spirit

00:14:39 - Filmmaking

Play segment

Partial Transcript: My camera is like a witness, my camera is like a mirror sometimes, it helps people see themselves, or it helps others see us in the way that we're not seen or understood.

Segment Synopsis: Beaucage’s conceptual and methodological approaches to filmmaking, and her films as social activism.

Keywords: Activism; Art; Career; Filmmaking

00:18:52 - Film School

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I just felt like I found my voice, my way of expressing myself. Whenever I was editing, I would forget to eat and drink, but you know, it was so absorbing and it just fed my spirit so much.

Segment Synopsis: Applying to film school, moving to Toronto, and filmmaking as a path to creative and professional independence.

Keywords: Independent art; Ryerson University; Ontario--Toronto

00:23:17 - Advocacy: Community Health and Well-being

Play segment

Partial Transcript: I just felt like I found my voice, my way of expressing myself. Whenever I was editing, I would forget to eat and drink, but you know, it was so absorbing and it just fed my spirit so much.

Segment Synopsis: Need for community-based support for Two-Spirit youth, and harm reduction that includes ceremony and a relationship with the land.

Keywords: Independent art; Ryerson University; Ontario--Toronto

00:26:47 - Advice for Future Two-Spirit Generations

Play segment

Partial Transcript: That's important. To not just be silent, and to express what you need and find the people that can help you, because there are people out there. You just have to find them.

Segment Synopsis: The importance of being true to yourself, the development of Two-Spirit organizations, and encouragement for finding community.

Keywords: Community; Self-determination; Two-Spirit Alliance